
fnm and nodejs install

fnm and nodejs install

fnm installation

Why writing this

  1. 项目涉及到爬虫
  2. Crawlee 一个非常优秀的开源爬虫框架,这玩意是用js和ts写的,考虑写js脚本然后再集成到python项目
  3. Setting up需要 pre-requisites:
    1. Have Node.js version 16.0 or higher installed.
    2. Have NPM installed, or use other package manager of your choice.
  4. 推荐fnm作为nodejs的版本管理工具

fnm install and config

  1. Go to fnm github
  2. Download the latest reslease
    • Here I download
    • alt text
  3. Extract and get the fnm.exe
    • alt text
    • Add env PATH and then test
    • $ fnm --version
    • fnm 1.37.1
  4. ps1 settings
    1. Check path alt text
    2. Go to create that file alt text
    3. Write this fnm env --use-on-cd | Out-String | Invoke-Expression and save.
    4. See some errors when restarting PowerShell, and then Follow this just input: Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned -Scope CurrentUser
    5. Restart and no error means OK
  5. node.js install
    1. fnm list-remote:查看可以安装的node.js版本列表
    2. fnm list: 查看已安装的nodejs版本
    3. fnm-env:配置安装目录/下载镜像等
      1. 创建名为FNM_DIR的变量,路径为自定义的安装目录
      2. alt text
    4. fnm install 20: 安装v20 nodejs
    5. node -v:检查nodejs安装版本alt text
    6. 添加npm路径为环境变量
      1. alt text
      2. alt text
      3. npm -v:Check the npm version


For now we alr installed the nodejs and its version manager fnm successfully. Then just start to install crawlee.

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